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Truck Wide Right Turn Accident: Liability, Prevention & More

Written By:
Tor Hoerman
Tor Hoerman

Attorney Tor Hoerman, admitted to the Illinois State Bar Association since 1995 and The Missouri Bar since 2009, specializes nationally in mass tort litigations. Locally, Tor specializes in auto accidents and a wide variety of personal injury incidents occuring in Illinois and Missouri.

This article has been written and reviewed for legal accuracy and clarity by the team of writers and attorneys at TorHoerman Law and is as accurate as possible. This content should not be taken as legal advice from an attorney. If you would like to learn more about our owner and experienced injury lawyer, Tor Hoerman, you can do so here.

TorHoerman Law does everything possible to make sure the information in this article is up to date and accurate. If you need specific legal advice about your case, contact us. This article should not be taken as advice from an attorney.

Truck Accidents: Truck Wide Right Turn Accident

Question: What is a Truck Wide Right Turn Accident, and who is liable?

Answer: A truck wide right turn accident occurs when a large truck swings left before making a right turn, potentially colliding with vehicles, pedestrians, or property.

Types of Truck Accidents: Truck Wide Right Turn Accident Liability, Prevention & More

On this page, we’ll provide an overview of a truck wide right turn accident, determining liability in a truck wide right turn accident, damages in a truck wide right turn accident, and much more.

Truck Wide Right Turn Accident Liability Prevention and More

These accidents often involve complex liability assessments due to truck driving regulations and road conditions.

If you’ve been involved in a truck wide right turn accident and suffered injuries as a result, contact TorHoerman Law using the chat on this page to receive an instant case evaluation.

We’re here to assist you every step of the way in pursuing justice and compensation.

Table of Contents

Why Do Trucks Make Wide Turns?

Truck-wide turn accidents involve specific factors due to the unique characteristics of large trucks.

Knowing the reasons and types of accidents can help recognize and potentially avoid these dangerous situations.

The reasons a Truck makes a wide right turn may be:

  1. Size and Length of Trucks: Large trucks over 70 feet long require extra space for turns
  2. Turning Mechanics: When making right-hand turns, trucks must swing out to the left to accommodate the turn
  3. Safety and Precision: Commercial truck drivers are trained to use precise techniques for wide turns.

Types of Wide Turn Truck Accidents

The following types of wide-turn truck accidents…

  1. Right Turn on Two-Lane Roads: Trucks making a right turn on a two-lane road may veer into oncoming traffic.
  2. Right Turn on Multi-Lane Roads: On multi-lane roads, trucks may need to swerve into an adjacent lane to complete a right turn​​​.
  3. Other Vehicles Squeezing Next to Turning Trucks: Accidents can occur when other drivers attempt to squeeze into the lane next to a truck preparing for a wide turn.
  4. Rollovers: Trucks have a higher center of gravity, making them susceptible to tipping over during turns, especially if the turn is executed too quickly or at an acute angle.
  5. Head-On Crashes: Improper positioning during the turning process can lead to head-on crashes, especially if a truck veers into oncoming traffic​.
  6. Blind-Spot Accidents: When a truck driver swings out to the left on a right turn, it can lead to collisions with vehicles in the truck’s blind spot.
  7. Tip-Over Accidents: Due to their high center of gravity and heavy weight, trucks are at risk of tipping over during turns.

Commercial vehicles and truck drivers follow specific rules outlined in the commercial driver’s license (CDL) manual to make wide turns safely.

These include proceeding slowly, keeping the rear of the vehicle close to the curb, and avoiding swinging out into oncoming traffic unless necessary​.

Given the potential for severe accidents, it’s crucial for both truck drivers and other road users to be aware of these risks and exercise caution, especially near intersections and when trucks are making turns.

General Causes of Truck-Wide Right Turn Accidents

Truck-wide right-turn accidents involve a range of factors, each contributing to the danger of these incidents.

Key causes of a Truck-Wide Right Turn Accident may include:

  1. Driver Error: Mistakes like misjudging truck size and space, misusing signals, or failing to check blind spots are common reasons for these accidents​.
  2. Distracted Driving and Inexperience: Inattention, lack of experience, and driver fatigue significantly contribute to such accidents​.
  3. Truck’s Physical Characteristics: The large size and high center of gravity of trucks necessitate wide turns, increasing collision risks, especially with improper signal use or excessive lane swinging.​​
  4. Equipment Maintenance and Failure: Defective or poorly maintained equipment like signals and mirrors heightens the risk of ‘squeeze’ accidents​.
  5. Unsafe Driving Practices: High speeds and inadequate adherence to safe turning guidelines lead to various accident types, including head-on and sideswipe collisions​.
  6. Environmental and Road Conditions: Bad weather, unfamiliar roads, and challenging road layouts often result in accidents during wide right turns​.

These causes underline the importance of driver awareness, training, and vehicle maintenance in preventing truck-wide right turn accidents.

Common Injuries from The Truck Wide Right Turn Accidents

Understanding these common injuries can help in timely diagnosis and treatment following a truck-wide right-turn accident.

Damages in a Truck Wide Right Turn Accident

Truck wide right turn accidents often have severe injuries and result in a variety of injuries, some of which include:

  1. Whiplash: Sudden movements during an accident, especially when passenger vehicles are struck head-on or crushed by a truck.
  2. Spine Injuries: The force of impact in these accidents, particularly in cases of head-on collisions or when the passenger car is run over or trapped beneath the truck’s trailer.
  3. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Severe head trauma can occur in a wide-turn truck accident, leading to traumatic brain injuries.
  4. Neck and Back Pain: Neck and back injuries are common due to the force exerted on the body during such collisions. These can range from mild to severe, depending on the impact’s nature​.
  5. Spinal Cord Injuries: Injuries to the spinal cord, including severe cases leading to paralysis, can occur, especially when the accident involves a truck rolling over or crushing a smaller vehicle​​​.
  6. Soft Tissue Injuries: These accidents can result in various soft tissue injuries, including cuts, lacerations, and internal bleeding.
  7. Hip and Knee Dislocations: Joint dislocations, such as hips and knees, can occur due to the force of the collision.
  8. Broken Bones/Fractures: Broken or crushed bones are a frequent outcome of truck-wide right-turn accidents.

Determining Fault in a Right-Hand Turn Trucking Accident

When a truck makes a right-hand turn, it’s crucial to determine the fault accurately.

Factors like the truck’s size and the need for wide turns play a role.

Drivers should signal their intent early and ensure clear visibility.

Other vehicles must also respect a truck’s turning space, avoiding blind spots and maintaining a safe distance.

Truck Driver’s Responsibility in a Wide Turn Accident

In a wide turn accident, the truck driver’s responsibility is significant.

They must account for their vehicle’s size and manage their blind spots effectively.

Proper signaling and checking for nearby vehicles are essential.

If a driver fails in these duties, they may be at fault.

Factors That May Contribute to a Wide Turn Accident

Several factors can contribute to a wide-turn accident:

  1. Truck’s Size: Larger trucks require more space to turn, making wide turns necessary.
  2. Blind Spots: A truck’s blind spots can obscure nearby vehicles.
  3. Signaling: Failing to signal turns can lead to misunderstandings on the road.
  4. Speed: Excessive speed can reduce a driver’s control during a turn.
  5. Other Vehicles: Smaller vehicles driving in a truck’s blind spots or not yielding the necessary space can contribute to accidents.

Legal Recourse for Victims of Trucking-Wide Turn Accidents

Wide turn accidents involving trucks, especially semi trucks, can lead to serious consequences for accident victims.

  • Role of Trucking Companies: Often, the trucking company is involved when a turning truck causes an accident.
  • Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer: Victims should seek an experienced truck accident lawyer. The attorneys at TorHoerman Law specialize in cases where a truck driver involved in an accident may have been negligent.
  • Negligent Truck Driver Responsibility: In cases of a trucking wide turn accident, the focus often falls on the truck driver’s negligence.
  • Semi Truck Accidents: Accidents involving semi trucks can be particularly complex due to the size and handling of the vehicle.
  • Seeking Compensation: Accident victims have the right to seek compensation for damages resulting from a truck driver’s negligence.

In such accidents, it’s crucial to get legal help promptly to ensure your rights are protected, and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Prevention of Truck-Wide Turn Accidents

Truck-wide turn accidents can be dangerous and cause serious injuries

Here are some tips for truck drivers to prevent these accidents:

  1. Recognize the Hazards: Be aware of narrow intersections and how other drivers might misinterpret your maneuvers. Ensure that your truck’s equipment, such as turn signals and mirrors, is in good condition​.
  2. Conduct a Vehicle Inspection: Before driving, check your side and fender-mounted mirrors. Make sure they are properly aligned and functioning. If needed, adjust them or repair any inoperable equipment​.
  3. Use Proper Technique: When approaching an intersection for a right turn, stay in the far right lane. Slow down and signal your turn well in advance. Avoid swinging wide into other lanes, and always use your mirrors to check for vehicles, pedestrians, or obstacles​.

Tips for Other Drivers on the Road

For drivers of smaller vehicles, here are some tips to avoid accidents with trucks making wide turns:

  1. Keep a Safe Distance: Maintain a good distance from large trucks, especially when they are signaling for turns. This gives you more reaction time​ to oncoming vehicles.
  2. Position Your Vehicle Appropriately: Ensure you are visible in the truck’s rearview mirrors. Avoid staying in the truck’s blind spots and position your vehicle correctly within your lane​.
  3. Use Clear Signals: Communicate your intentions to the truck driver with timely and clear signals. This helps the truck driver anticipate your movements and plan their turns​.
  4. Give Trucks Ample Space at Intersections: When you see a truck turning at an intersection, don’t try to squeeze between the truck and the curb. Give the truck enough space to complete its turn safely​.

By following these tips, both truck drivers and other road users can contribute to safer roads and prevent accidents involving wide turns.

TorHoerman Law: The #1 Truck Wide Right Turn Accident Attorneys

Our attorneys specialize in all types of trucking accidents to assist you with the challenges of gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, and fighting in court.

  1. Experience – We have a deep understanding of truck wide right turn accident cases and the legal intricacies involved.
  2. Personal Approach – Every case is unique. We give each client personalized attention, focusing on their specific needs.
  3. No-Win, No-Fee – You only pay if we win. This shows our commitment to getting you the best outcome.

For personalized guidance in any of these types of truck accidents, use our chat feature on this page to connect with an experienced Truck Accident Attorney at Torhoerman Law.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens when a large truck makes a right hand turn?

    When a large truck makes a right-hand turn, it often swings left first, to avoid running off the road or tipping over.

    Incorrectly executed, such turns can lead to the truck hitting nearby vehicles or trapping cars against the curb, risking severe damage to smaller vehicles involved.

  • What occurs when a truck driver swing wide on a turn?

    When a truck driver swings wide on a turn, particularly to the right, it creates an illusion of available passing space on the truck’s side.

    However, this can be dangerously misleading as vehicles attempting to pass may get trapped or crushed by the turning truck, leading to severe accidents.

  • Are trucks required to have warning you that they make wide right turns?

    Yes, trucks are required to have clear signage indicating that they make wide right turns.

    This is to ensure the safety of other road users, as trucks need extra space to maneuver.

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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