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[2024 Update] Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit

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Intro to the Facebook Mental Health Lawsuits

On this page, we’ll discuss the Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit, negative mental health effects suffered by victims, leaked documents revealing Facebook’s involvement in the teen mental health crisis, the latest updates on the Facebook Lawsuit, and much more.

Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit: Teens and Young Adults

Social media has become an integral part of our lives.

Social media platforms give people a chance to stay in touch with loved ones.

Through its algorithms, social media platforms also enable users to keep up with news that’s relevant to them.

However, what happens when the same capabilities that keep social media engaging, informative, and addictive do more harm than good?

Young social media users have been developing mental health issues ranging from self-esteem issues to major depression.

Some have even experienced the worst of these mental health problems, falling victim to dangers like cyberbullying and negative social comparison.

Meta — the creators of Facebook and Instagram — are facing lawsuits for placing users at risk for developing mental health issues.

Facebook (Meta) is alleged to have engineered its algorithms to generate addictive content that later results in social media addiction, depression, and a slew of other mental health problems.

Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit

If you or a loved one used Facebook and/or Instagram and subsequently developed mental health problems, you may be eligible to file a Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for legal action instantly.

Our law firm is committed to helping people who’ve suffered from the harmful effects of social media seek justice.

Reach out to us for more information and to find out how our lawyers can help you.

Our law firm is committed to helping people who’ve suffered from the harmful effects of social media seek justice.

Reach out to us for more information and to find out how our lawyers can help you.

Table of Contents

What is the Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit?

The Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit focuses on how social media platforms like Facebook contribute to mental health issues among young users.

Excessive social media usage can lead to a range of mental health problems, including low self-esteem, social anxiety, and depressive symptoms.

As adolescent health is particularly vulnerable to these effects, research has shown that constantly checking social media and comparing oneself to others can create a vicious cycle of self-doubt and trigger anxiety.

This lawsuit aims to hold social media companies accountable for designing platforms that encourage excessive use and contribute to declining mental well-being among young adults.

Social media companies are facing a mass amount of lawsuits for the negative mental health effects that its social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram, among several platforms) have created.

What Is The Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit

These mental health effects include, but are not limited to:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Suicidal thoughts and ideation
  • Body dysmorphia
  • Eating disorders
  • Other mental health effects

Allegations related to the mental health effects of Facebook and Instagram specifically have been identified in internal documents leaked by Meta’s former data engineer, Frances Haugen.

Meta Designed Facebook To Be Addictive to Teens and Young Adults

Meta is alleged to have deliberately designed its platforms to be addictive.

The idea that Facebook and Instagram’s content impacts young users’ mental health is detailed in the internal documents leaked by Frances Haugen to the Wall Street Journal.

In these documents, it was revealed that in 2019, Meta (then called Facebook) conducted research into how its social media apps affected teen mental health.

The researchers found that Facebook and Instagram users suffered from various mental health problems ranging from depression to body image issues.

Facebook responded in multiple press releases that its platforms do the opposite and that it was unaware of the negative effects its platforms have on mental health.

However, according to the leaked documents, Meta knew of the mental health impacts of its social media platforms.

Instead of taking action, Meta continued to engineer its algorithms to keep users engaged — even if it came at the expense of their mental health.

Facebook Either Failed To Protect Users or Refused To Do So

One of the leaked documents from Haugen was a 2017 document that contained details on cyberbullying on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (all Meta social media apps).

In these documents, there was indubitable evidence that these platforms have grown into a breeding ground for bullies and abusers who prey on teenage girls.

Once again, Meta knew of this.

However, despite the information the company had, it did little to regulate or monitor cyberbullying activity on all its platforms.

The lack of action potentially makes Meta liable for mental health condition teenage girls may develop from social media usage.

Facebook (and Instagram) Potentially Benefited From the Mental Health Issues Suffered by Its Users

Meta knew of the negative mental health impacts of its platforms.

It reportedly continued to design its algorithms and platforms in a way that keeps users addicted.

By doing so, Meta allegedly made its users susceptible to anxiety disorders, appearance-based social comparison, depression, and other mental health issues.

Meta’s engineering of social media algorithms made it one of the world’s biggest social media companies in the world.

Unfortunately, the company achieved its status partly by taking advantage of the mental health crisis experienced by young users and their family members.

With this perspective, it’s easy to see that Meta’s rise to prominence can be labeled as unethical.

For this reason, the company is facing lawsuits for the harm it has potentially caused teens and young adult users.

Latest Update on the Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit

The Facebook mental health lawsuit continues as more lawyers are investigating potential legal action.

Several school districts and public agencies have already filed lawsuits against Meta and other social media companies for exacerbating mental health problems in students and disrupting classrooms.

A recent example of this sort of legal action was a lawsuit was filed in May 2023 by the Clarksville-Montgomery School System, who sued Meta for lack of protection and contributing to the mental health issues of young users.

Facebook responded to this lawsuit by announcing new parental controls on its platforms.

The new feature enables teenage users to block other users.

Latest Update on the Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit

Once a user blocks a social media account, a notification to switch on the controls comes out.

If enabled, the controls will enable parents to see who follows their child and who their child follows.

While this is a step in the right direction, there’s no denying that the damage has already been done.

Parental controls or not, Meta has already deliberately caused many teen users mental health problems — and it must be held accountable.

If your child has suffered the negative mental health effects of Facebook and Instagram use, seek justice.

Contact us at TorHoerman Law for a free case evaluation or use the chatbot on this page.

The Facebook Files: Leaked Documents Showing Meta's Hand in the Teen Mental Health Crisis

In 2021, Frances Haugen — a former Meta data engineer — leaked a series of internal documents to the Wall Street Journal.

These revealing documents exposed Facebook’s awareness of the detrimental impact its platforms had on users.

The Wall Street Journal made these documents public in an expose later called “The Facebook Files.”

The Facebook Files” were a series of investigative reports that exposed the distressing link between social media use and increased rates of depression and anxiety among teenage girls.

The Facebook Files_ Leaked Documents Showing Meta's Hand In The Teen Mental Health Crisis

Shockingly, Meta (then called Facebook) was well aware that its algorithms were designed to prioritize content that would keep users engaged even if it meant showcasing harmful material.

The gravity of the files raised serious concerns about the role of social media in today’s society.

By publicizing the leaked documents showing Meta’s involvement in the mental health crisis, it has prompted urgent calls for increased regulation of social media companies.

Also, more lawyers representing the victims of social media’s negative mental health effects began investigating potential legal action instantly due to the findings.

The key findings from the files include the following:

  • Despite being aware of the negative effects Instagram posed on teenage girls, Facebook chose financial gain over user well-being.
  • Facebook’s algorithms were deliberately tailored to provoke anger or distress in users to keep them hooked on the platform.
  • For years, Facebook knew about misinformation spread on its platforms, yet it took little action to combat the issue.
  • The company was aware of its platforms being used to spread hate speech, but it failed to take substantial measures to address the problem.

The files paint a concerning picture of Facebook’s corporate culture, revealing the company’s willingness to prioritize profits at the expense of user safety.

The Negative Mental Health Effects Suffered by Victims

Young adults and teenagers (particularly teen girls) are the most susceptible to the harmful effects of social media usage.

Since the first lawsuits were filed against Facebook and other social media companies, more and more young social media users are reporting several mental health concerns and initiating legal action.

The potential emotional damage caused by Facebook, Instagram, Bytedance (TikTok), and other social media platforms takes many forms.

The Negative Mental Health Effects Suffered By Victims

Contact us and find out if you are eligible to file a Facebook mental health lawsuit if your child or loved one has experienced any of the following mental health issues after chronic or excessive social media use:

  • Depression
  • Body Image Issues
  • Eating Disorders
  • Self-Esteem Issues
  • Anxiety
  • Social Media Addiction
  • Suicidal Ideation


One of the conditions that may result from chronic social media use is depression.

Depression from social media can be due to several things.

According to the Child Mind Institute, the resulting depression may be from lower-quality social connections.

When a social media user forms any sort of connection online, it may be of a “lower quality” than social bonds formed in real life.

As a result, the user becomes chronically unsatisfied, looking for more online connections and relationships to soothe the underlying feelings of sadness and boredom.

Depression can also result from interactions on social media, lack of interactions and a social circle, cyberbullying, and other negative ways young users may interact with social media.

Body Image Issues

Besides low-quality social bonds, another potential reason for depression is how it causes users to have unrealistic expectations — particularly with their bodies.

In 2021, Illinois State University uncovered the link between body image issues and social media use.

The development of body image issues (or body dysmorphia) results in several other potential mental health effects like eating disorders and depression.

Eating Disorders

Social media can trigger eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.

Users who are exposed to certain social media trends, “thinspiration”, and other media that influences young users to restrict food intake can trigger a desire to engage in unhealthy eating behaviors.

Self-Esteem Issues

Besides depression, chronic users of Facebook or Instagram may be at greater risk of developing low self-esteem.

Social media can make a user prone to negative social comparison.

This leads to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and a whole host of other mental health problems.

The self-doubt generated from negative comparison also produces anxiety.


The curated content displayed on social media can create unrealistic standards and expectations for individuals, leading to anxiety about not measuring up or achieving enough.

This constant comparison can erode self-esteem and confidence.

This can trigger anxiety about someone’s own self-worth and life’s direction.


In a vicious cycle, users can turn to social media use to ease their anxiety.

When this occurs, users may become hooked on social media.

Social media keeps users occupied and distracted due to the novelty of the content shown.

When users log in to their social media accounts, they are bombarded by content.

The content leads to a constant stream of dopamine that keeps users coming back for more.

Suicidal Ideation

Several studies have identified the link between suicidal ideation and prolonged social media use.

Chronic social media use creates a range of negative mental health effects.

Together, these can overwhelm young users, causing them to develop thoughts of suicide.

If there’s one mental health impact parents should hold Facebook and other social media companies accountable for, it’s this.

The pain of losing a loved one to social media-induced suicide is tremendous.

Have you lost a child or loved one to suicide from social media use?

We are here for you.

Contact us now for a free case evaluation and find out how our team of attorneys and support staff can help guide you through the legal process.

Gathering Evidence for a Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit

Gathering evidence for a Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit is a critical step in building a strong case.

Your attorney will help you collect the necessary documents and proof to support your claim that excessive Facebook usage or other social media platforms contributed to your or your loved one’s mental health issues.

Start by preserving social media usagedata, such as time logs and activity reports, to demonstrate the extent of your interaction with the platform.

This can help show patterns of excessive use or engagement with harmful content that may have triggered anxiety, low self-esteem, or other mental disorders.

In addition to usage data, you should gather any family members’ testimonies or observations that detail changes in behavior, such as increased social isolation, self-doubt, or negative body image concerns, often tied to social media habits.

Medical records are equally crucial, as they document any mental health concerns or diagnoses related to the negative effects of social media.

This might include treatments for depressive symptoms, anxiety, or other conditions exacerbated by excessive social media usage.

Expert testimony from mental health professionals can further bolster your claim by linking specific behaviors or outcomes to social media addiction.

Consider documenting the ways Facebook use may have contributed to social or emotional harm, such as spreading hurtful rumors, cyberbullying, or promoting harmful comparisons with others.

This evidence can leave a lasting impact on your case by showing a direct connection between Facebook usage and lasting emotional scars.

This combination of personal testimony, medical documentation, and expert analysis is vital to establishing social media companies’ responsibility for harmful mental health impacts.

How Facebook Mental Health Lawyers Assess Damages

When pursuing a Facebook mental health lawsuit, lawyers carefully assess the full scope of damages their clients have suffered due to social media addiction or the harmful effects of excessive social media usage.

These damages often fall into two categories: Economic and Non-economic.

Economic Damages

Economic damages typically cover medical expenses, such as therapy, psychiatric care, and any treatments related to the mental health problems caused by Facebook use.

Lawyers gather medical records, billing statements, and estimates for ongoing treatments to ensure these costs are fully accounted for.

Non-economic Damages

Non-economic damages, while harder to quantify, are just as critical.

These include the emotional distress, self-esteem issues, and social isolation that many plaintiffs experience due to negative aspects of social media usage.

Lawyers will rely on personal testimony, expert evaluations, and even family members’ accounts to demonstrate how mental health concerns like depressive symptoms, anxiety, and lasting emotional scars have impacted the individual’s psychological well-being and overall quality of life.

Lawyers will consider the broader societal impacts of social media platforms, especially on vulnerable populations such as young adults and teenagers.

The addictive nature of these platforms, which leads users to constantly check social media and engage in risky behaviors, contributes to significant declines in well-being and life satisfaction.

By thoroughly evaluating these factors, Facebook mental health lawyers work to seek compensation that addresses the full range of harm caused by social media companies.

TorHoerman Law: Investigating the Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit

For a long time, social media companies like Meta have evaded responsibility for the potential mental health harm associated with chronic use of their platforms.

We are here to represent victims and their families in lawsuits filed against Facebook (Meta) and other social media companies who may be responsible for your losses and other potential damages.

If you or a loved one excessively used social media and subsequently developed mental health effects, you may be eligible to file a claim and take legal action.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to take legal action instantly.

Our law firm is here to represent you and advocate for your best interests.

We recognize that the legal process can be overwhelming.

Contact our attorneys today and find out how our expertise can help you seek justice.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Are Potential Injuries In A Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit?

    Teens and young adults who have used Facebook or Instagram and subsequently suffered from mental health impacts may be eligible for a lawsuit.

    If you or a loved one have suffered from any of the following injuries due to Instagram use, contact us for a free consultation: 

    • Depression or depressive symptoms
    • Anxiety
    • Eating Disorders
    • Body Dysmorphia
    • ADHD
    • Self harm or suicidal ideation
    • Any other diagnosed mental illnesses

    You may also use our chatbot below for an instant case evaluation. 

  • What Are The Potential Damages In A Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit?

    Damages in a personal injury lawsuit refer to any losses, economic or non-economic, incurred as a result of an incident.

    In an Instagram Mental Health case, damages could include some of the following:

    • Medical treatment costs
    • Therapy costs
    • Pain and suffering
    • Emotional damage

    Other potential damages are possible.

    As the legal pressure on Instagram and Facebook (Meta) grows, more damages may become viable in claims for compensation.

  • How Can Facebook Be Held Liable For A Lawsuit For Mental Health Effects?

    Our team of attorneys is currently investigating the viability of lawsuits against Instagram, Facebook (Meta) alleging harm.

    Instagram has been proven to negatively impact adolescent health, contributing to low self esteem issues, social anxiety, mood disorders, eating disorders, sleep problems, and other lasting emotional scars.

  • Is There a Facebook Class Action Lawsuit?

    There have been several Facebook Class Action Lawsuits, but the lawsuit for mental health effects on young users is not a class action lawsuit.

    The Facebook Mental Health Lawsuit, as well as other lawsuits filed against social media platforms for negative mental health effects on teens, is being considered for consolidation by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML).

    Multidistrict litigation (MDL) is a special federal legal procedure that consolidates cases containing similar allegations into a singular district court for ease of pretrial discovery and consistency of decision-making.

  • Can Facebook usage contribute to a mental disorder?

    Yes, excessive Facebook usage has been linked to the development or worsening of a mental disorder, particularly in young adults and teenagers.

    Constant exposure to curated content, social comparisons, and cyberbullying can lead to issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

    These mental health concerns are at the center of Facebook mental health lawsuits, which allege that the platform’s addictive design and lack of safeguards contribute to harmful behaviors that negatively impact users’ mental well-being.

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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