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PCBs in St. Louis Schools [2024 Guide] | PCB Exposure Lawsuits

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file a PCB Lawsuit claim for exposure in St. Louis area schools.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

PCB Lawsuit Investigation for Students and Workers Exposed in St. Louis Area Schools

On this page, we’ll discuss an overview of the PCB Exposure Lawsuits, information regarding PCBs in St. Louis schools, possible PCB contamination in school buildings, why and when these harmful substances were used in school buildings, and much more.

Intro to the PCB Exposure Lawsuits for PCBs in St. Louis Area Schools

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic substances that were historically used in industrial and commercial applications until their production was banned in the late 1970s.

These oily liquids were extensively used in electrical equipment, building materials, and other industrial products due to their chemical stability and insulating properties.

PCBs have been listed as probable human carcinogens by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other public health agencies.

Commercial PCB mixtures may have been used in electrical equipment, building materials, and/or fluorescent lighting ballasts in St. Louis area schools built before PCBs were banned in the 1970s. 

PCBs in St. Louis Schools PCB Exposure Lawsuits

If you or a loved one attended or worked at schools containing PCB contamination, and have suffered adverse health effects related to PCB exposures, you may be eligible to file a PCB Exposure Lawsuit claim.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file a claim for exposure to PCBs.

Our attorneys are currently investigating school exposure to PCBs, subsequent health problems, and the avenues to seek justice for exposed workers and students.

Reach out to us for more information on PCB Exposure Lawsuit claims, how PCBs affect human health, and to find out if you might qualify for a PCB Exposure Lawsuit claim.

We’re here to help you.

Table of Contents

Potential Exposure to PCBs in St. Louis Schools

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were present in the capacitors of old fluorescent lighting fixtures that may have been placed in St. Louis area school buildings.

In older school buildings, the presence of materials containing PCBs, such as fluorescent light ballasts, caulks, and other building materials, leads to an increased potential for PCB exposure.

Research conducted by the University of Iowa in Vermont schools revealed that these materials and products, as they age and deteriorate, can emit PCBs into the school environment.

There is a critical need for advanced testing methods in schools and medical monitoring of individuals who may have been exposed to PCBs.

Students and faculty may have sat beneath old fluorescent lighting fixtures for decades, not knowing that they were being exposed to PCBs for several hours a day over the course of decades.

Scientific research has indicated an increased risk for several health problems and cancers in people exposed to PCBs for extended periods of time.

If you or a loved one were exposed to PCBs in St. Louis area schools, and subsequently developed health problems or symptoms of exposure, you may be eligible to file a PCB Lawsuit claim.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file a PCB Exposure Lawsuit claim.

Our team is currently working to identify PCB levels in school buildings, and assessing claims of people exposed to PCBs.

Contact us with any questions you may have about exposure to PCBs, possible health effects, if your or your child’s school was contaminated, and more.

Why Were PCBs Used in Fluorescent Lights?

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were used in fluorescent lights primarily because of their electrical insulating properties and thermal stability.

PCBs were commonly used in devices and products where flammability was a concern.

Chemical stability and high resistance to heat made PCBs ideal for use in electrical transformers, capacitors, and other equipment.

These characteristics made PCBs well-suited for enhancing the performance and safety of fluorescent light ballasts.

Here’s why PCBs were used in fluorescent lights:

  1. Electrical Insulation: PCBs are known electrical insulators, which means they can prevent electrical currents from leaking or short-circuiting. In fluorescent lighting, where the regulation of electrical currents is essential for operation, PCBs helped ensure a stable flow of electricity within the ballast.
  2. Thermal Stability: Fluorescent lights can generate heat during operation. PCBs have high thermal stability, allowing them to withstand elevated temperatures.
  3. Chemical Inertia: PCBs are chemically inert, meaning they do not readily react with other substances. This characteristic made them suitable for use in various industrial applications, including fluorescent light ballasts, where chemical stability was important.

How Does PCB Exposure from Fluorescent Lighting Occur?

Exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from fluorescent lights over long periods can occur through different pathways.

While the use of PCBs in new fluorescent lights has been banned for decades, older buildings (like many schools in the St. Louis area) may have used fluorescent lighting fixtures that contained PCBs for years after their regulation.

Here’s how people can be exposed to PCBs in such environments:

  1. Airborne Exposure
  2. Dust Accumulation
  3. Direct Contact with Light Fixtures

1. Airborne Exposure:

PCBs may vaporize or release into the air from the ballasts inside fluorescent light fixtures, especially when these fixtures heat up during operation.

Over time, this continuous emission may lead to the presence of PCBs in the indoor air of buildings with older lighting systems.

People who spend long hours in these spaces, such as students and employees in schools or offices, may inhale these airborne PCB particles, contributing to exposure and putting them at risk of health problems. 

2. Dust Accumulation:

As PCBs are emitted into the air, they might settle on surfaces within the building.

Over time, this process can result in the accumulation of PCB-laden dust on floors, shelves, and other indoor surfaces.

Individuals who come into contact with these contaminated surfaces, particularly through hand-to-mouth contact or touching the face, can unknowingly ingest or inhale PCBs, contributing to exposure.

3. Direct Contact with Light Fixtures:

In some cases, individuals working with or near older fluorescent light fixtures may come into direct contact with the fixtures themselves.

Accidental damage to the ballasts or leaks from the fixtures can release PCBs onto the skin.

Direct skin contact can be another pathway for exposure.

PCBs and The St. Louis Metro Area: Monsanto, Environmental Contamination, and Legal Action

PCB contamination and PCB exposure are topics of increasing concern in the St. Louis area and Metro East.

Monsanto and its spin-off companies, such as Solutia, Inc., were the primary manufacturers and producers of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from the 1930s until the 1970s

The Monsanto plant in Sauget, a mere seven minutes from downtown St. Louis, was the nation’s leading producer of PCBs, chemicals that were essential to the industrial economy yet hidden from public scrutiny.

Despite early health concerns raised at the Harvard School of Public Health in 1937, it took decades before the true extent of PCBs’ hazardous nature prompted legal action and their eventual ban in the United States.

The legal pursuit of Monsanto and related entities like Pharmacia and Solutia for financial responsibility in cleanup efforts reveals the intricate web of corporate accountability and environmental justice in the St. Louis area.

Legal Action for PCB Exposure in the St. Louis Area

Several legal actions have been taken against Monsanto and its affiliates Solutia and Pharmacia for PCB exposures and contamination.

In 2016, Monsanto was ordered to pay $46.5 million to three plaintiffs by a St. Louis jury in a PCB Lawsuit.

Years earlier, in 2009, dozens of individuals filed PCB exposure lawsuits against Cerro Flow Products, Inc., Pharmacia Corporation, Solutia, Inc., Pfizer and Monsanto AG Products.

Plaintiffs claimed they developed cancer and other life-threatening diseases as a result of their exposure to the PCBs.

Years later, in 2021, St. Clair County jurors awarded 12 Sauget plaintiffs $72 million in a verdict against Cerro Flow.

PCB Production, Contamination, and Exposure in the Metro East

PCB mixtures were produced by Monsanto at its Sauget, Illinois facility.

In the Sauget area, the contamination from Monsanto’s operations reached alarming levels, with PCB concentrations measured at millions of times above what is considered safe for human contact.

Sauget was incorporated literally as “Monsanto, Illinois”, and the Monsanto plant in Sauget produced hundreds of thousands of tons of PCBs used in the United States from the 1930s until they were banned in the 1970s.

The Monsanto plant deposited PCB waste in Sauget’s toxic dumps from the 1940s to the 1980s, and also incinerated PCBs on-site after 1977.

The Solutia Inc. facility, previously operated by Monsanto, stands as a testament to nearly a century of chemical manufacturing, leaving behind a legacy of soil and groundwater contamination.

Interventions by the EPA, including a $22 million remediation plan, highlight the ongoing struggle to mitigate the environmental damage inflicted by PCBs and other hazardous substances in the area.

EPA Superfund Sites in St. Louis and the Metro East

A Superfund site is a designation given to contaminated areas in the United States that are heavily polluted with hazardous substances and are considered a priority for environmental cleanup and remediation.

Several Superfund sites are located in the St. Louis and Metro East areas, including:

  • Sauget, IL – Sauget Area 1: The Sauget Area 1 Superfund site, situated in Sauget and Cahokia villages in St. Clair County, Illinois, encompasses a complex of contaminated locations including three closed waste disposal areas, a construction debris area, and a segment of the infamous Dead Creek. Sauget Area 1’s contamination extends to air, surface water, and sediments, with elevated levels of dioxins, 1,1-dichloroethene, and methylene chloride detected in the air, and significant PCB contamination in the creek sediments.
  • Sauget, IL – Sauget Area 2: The Sauget Area 2 Superfund site, located in Sauget, Illinois, spans across a 312-acre area, encompassing four landfills (Sites Q, R, S, and P) and four backfilled lagoons (Site O). This site has a history of industrial waste treatment and disposal activities that led to the contamination of soil and groundwater with hazardous substances including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, and metals. Despite partial cleanups, the site still poses environmental risks, necessitating ongoing long-term remediation efforts.
  • Granite City, IL – Jennison-Wright Corporation: The Jennison-Wright Corporation site in Granite City, Illinois, covering about 20 acres, has a complex history of industrial operations dating back to before 1920, which continued until 1989. This site was primarily used for treating wood products like railroad ties and wood block flooring with chemicals such as pentachlorophenol (PCP), creosote, and zinc naphthenate. Waste piles, spills, and improper storage at the site resulted in significant soil and groundwater contamination, prompting the need for extensive cleanup efforts. In 1996, the site was added to the National Priorities List (NPL) or “Superfund” list, as no financially viable responsible parties were identified to fund the cleanup, making it reliant on Federal Superfund resources.
  • Fairmont City, IL – Old American Zinc Plant/NL Industries/Taracorp Lead Smelter: The Old American Zinc Plant, also known as the NL Industries/Taracorp Lead Smelter site, is located in Fairmont, Illinois, near Granite City. This 132-acre former zinc smelting facility operated primarily from 1913 to 1953, with limited activities continuing until 1967. During its operational years, the plant generated slag as a byproduct, which was later used as fill material in the surrounding area. The site has been a focus of environmental concern due to significant contamination, primarily with lead, arsenic, cadmium, and zinc in soil samples, as well as inorganic and pesticide contamination in waste and sediment samples.
  • East St. Louis, IL – Alcoa Properties: The 20-acre site has seen various industrial operations since the early 1900s, including aluminum smelting by the Aluminum Company of America, which operated from 1903 until 1957. The site’s contamination primarily involves hazardous substances like radium-226, radium-228, aluminum, arsenic, and lead in the soil, with ongoing investigations to determine the extent of groundwater contamination.
  • St. Louis, MO – Thompson Chemicals: The Thompson Chemicals Superfund Site, located just two kilometers south of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, has a significant history of industrial pollution and subsequent environmental cleanup efforts. The site was originally operated by Thompson Chemicals (TC) from 1949 to 1970, who notably produced Agent Orange for the Air Force. A fire at the plant resulted in nine workers developing chloracne, leading to the inclusion of all TC workers from 1949-1970 on the Dioxin Registry by the CDC in 1991. Thompson Chemicals filed for bankruptcy in 1970.

East St. Louis and State of Illinois File Separate Lawsuits Against Monsanto For PCB Contamination

Both the City of East St. Louis and the Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul have filed lawsuits against Monsanto and its affiliates, Solutia Inc. and Pharmacia LLC, for the ongoing environmental and health effects of PCB contamination caused by Monsanto’s decades-long production of the toxic chemicals.

The Illinois Attorney General filed the lawsuit in August 2022.

East St. Louis filed in 2021, but the case was moved to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois in 2023 and is currently set for a jury trial in 2024.

The lawsuit filed by the State of Illinois alleges that Monsanto was aware of the toxicity of these chemicals but publicly denied any knowledge of their dangers, aiming to hold the companies accountable for their actions, seeking compensation for damages to natural resources and addressing statewide contamination through a public health monitoring program for PCB-related health conditions.

East St. Louis claims that the Monsanto plant violated municipal littering and nuisance ordinances, with fines of up to $750 per day, and alleges the concealing PCB dangers despite early knowledge.

What are Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)?

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of synthetic organic chemicals that were widely used in various industrial and commercial applications in the past.

Monsanto was the leading producer of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

PCBs were first synthesized in the late 1920s and were produced in large quantities for several decades.

The company that first produced PCBs was purchased by Monsanto in 1935, and Monsanto then sold and introduced PCBs in several industries.

PCBs consist of a group of chemical compounds made up of biphenyl rings to which chlorine atoms are attached.

The specific arrangement and number of chlorine atoms on the biphenyl rings can vary, resulting in different PCB congeners.

According to the EPA, PCB congeners are any single, unique well-defined chemical compound in the PCB category.

Due to their toxic effects on human health and the environment, the production and use of PCBs have been largely banned in many countries.

Why Were PCBs Widely Used?

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were widely used for several decades primarily because of their valuable electrical and industrial properties, but it became apparent over time that they posed significant health and environmental risks.

PCBs were known as versatile chemicals with a range of industrial applications, being used for dielectric fluid to prevent sparking in electric transformers, as well as hydraulic oils in heavy machinery.

What Products May Contain Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)?

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can be found in various locations and environments, with their prevalence often tied to historical use.

While PCBs have been banned or heavily restricted in many countries for several decades due to their harmful effects on health and the environment, they can still persist in older areas and materials.

PCBs can be found in:

  • Older Buildings: PCBs were frequently used in construction materials like caulking and sealants, and in older fluorescent lighting fixtures in the mid-20th century. As a result, older buildings constructed before PCB regulations may still have these materials and products in place, potentially leading to indoor air contamination.
  • Electrical Equipment: Although the use of PCBs in electrical transformers and capacitors has been phased out, older equipment may still contain PCBs. In some cases, improper disposal of these items has led to soil and water contamination.
  • Industrial Facilities: Industries that used PCBs in their processes may have residual contamination in the soil and surrounding areas. Even if PCBs are no longer used, the legacy of past practices can pose ongoing exposure risks.
  • Consumer Products: Though PCB use has decreased significantly, older consumer products like carbonless copy paper, some paints, and plastic materials may still contain trace amounts of PCBs. These products can be found in older homes or storage.

How Does Exposure to PCBs Happen?

People may be exposed to PCBs in several ways as these toxic substances have been used in several industries and products over the years.

Since being banned for use, exposure to PCBs is less common but typically occurs through inhalation of indoor air containing PCBs or through otherwise contaminated areas.

People may become exposed to PBCs through:

  • Inhalation: Inhalation of PCB-contaminated air is a significant exposure pathway. This can occur in environments where PCBs are present, such as near old electrical equipment or in buildings with PCB-containing materials. Airborne PCB particles can be inhaled, leading to exposure.
  • Ingestion: Eating contaminated food is a possible exposure route. PCBs can accumulate in the fatty tissues of fish, meat, and dairy products. People who eat contaminated foods or drink contaminated water may ingest PCBs.
  • Skin Contact: PCBs can be absorbed through the skin, although this is generally considered a less significant exposure pathway compared to inhalation and ingestion. Direct contact with PCB-contaminated materials, such as soil or certain building materials, can lead to dermal exposure.
  • Indoor Air: PCBs can be released into indoor air from PCB-containing materials, such as old caulking, sealants, or electrical equipment. Occupants of buildings with PCB-containing materials may be exposed to PCBs through indoor air inhalation.
  • Breast Milk: Infants can be exposed to PCBs through breastfeeding if the mother’s body has accumulated PCBs from prior exposures. PCBs can be transferred to the infant through breast milk.

Exposure to PCBs: Possible Health Effects and Risks

Scientific research and animal studies have shown an increased risk for certain health problems subsequent to prolonged exposure to PCBs.

Potential cancers related to PCB exposure include, but are not limited to:

  • Liver cancer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Intestinal cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Malignant melanoma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Other non-cancer potential health effects of PCB exposure include, but are not limited to:

  • Reproductive issues: low birth weight, miscarriage, premature birth, or developmental delays
  • Neurological disorders and effects: memory loss, confusion, brain fog, or learning disorders
  • Skin conditions: chloracne and related dermal lesions, hyperpigmentation, skin sloughing, or frequent rashes
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Puberty abnormalities
  • Other symptoms and health effects

Research on Health Effects of Exposure to PCBs

Several research studies have raised alarms at the dangers of PCB exposure and the devastating health problems potentially linked to the chemicals.

Studies on the health problems linked to PCB exposure include, but are not limited to:

When Did the Dangers of PCB Exposure Become Apparent?

The history of scientific research on the health effects of PCB exposure date back to near the time the chemicals were introduced to the industrial and commercial manufacturing world.

PCBs have been known to cause liver damage and other health problems in animals exposed since studies were conducted and published in the 1930s and 1940s.

In the 1950s, human health effects were examined in exposed workers at a plant in Indiana and also in painters exposed to PCBs in plasticized paints.

It wasn’t until the 1960s that PCBs were identified not only as a danger to industrial workers, but as a public health concern.

From the 1960s to 1970s, more research was dedicated to PCB environmental contamination and adverse effects on human health.

The federal government created an Interdepartmental Task Force on PCBs in 1971, issuing a 1972 report titled “Polychlorinated Biphenyls and the Environment“.

The report stated that:

“1) PCBs should be restricted to essential or non-replaceable uses which involve minimal direct human exposure since they can have adverse effects on human health.

2) PCBs have been used so widely over such a long period that they are ubiquitous.”

Congress passed the Toxic Substances Control Act in 1976, which banned the manufacture and distribution of PCBs in 1979.

Monsanto Knew of PCB Dangers

Multiple sources have reported that Monsanto knew about the dangers of PCBs for years yet continued to manufacture and sell them.

The Poison Papers Project, launched by the Bioscience Resource Project and the Center for Media and Democracy, produced more than 20,000 internal memos, meetings, letters, and other documents that showcase the fact that Monsanto knew PCBs were harmful to human health and the environment, but concealed that knowledge to profit.

Who is the PCB Lawsuit Filed Against?

Our lawyers are currently investigating litigation against companies who produced PCB containing products and commercial PCB mixtures used in school buildings.

Those who have produced or manufactured electrical equipments, fluorescent lights, and other PCB materials placed in school buildings could be potentially liable for health problems suffered by exposed workers and students.

Monsanto is the primary company that manufactured and distributed polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the United States.

Monsanto halted production of PCBs in 1977.

Monsanto was acquired by Bayer for $63 billion in 2018.

Previous and Similar Litigation for PCB Exposure and PCB Contamination

Monsanto has previously faced litigation over harm caused by PCBs.

The list of active and past litigations for PCB exposure and contamination is extensive, spanning the United States court system.

Some PCB exposure and contamination litigation has been successful, awarding compensation to school districts, municipalities, governmental organizations, and individuals.

Other attempts at PCB Lawsuits have been unsuccessful and dismissed.

Previous PCB Lawsuits include:

  • New York Communities for Change vs. NYC Department of Education and NYC School Construction Authority: NYC parents advocate and achieve the removal of PCB-containing fluorescent lights as part of a 2013 settlement.
  • Pennsylvania vs. Monsanto, Bayer: Pennsylvania sued Monsanto in 2020 for contaminating 1,300 miles of streams and 3,600 acres of lakes with PCBs. The suit involving PCB contaminated fish and waterways was settled for over $100 million in September 2023.
  • Students and Parents of Monroe School District vs. Monsanto, Bayer: Legal action over PCB exposure in a Seattle area school has resulted in over $600 million in jury verdicts as of 2022.
  • Students and Parents vs. Monroe School District: The school district mentioned in the above case also paid out $34 million in 2022 to parents of students exposed to PCBs at Sky Valley Education Center.
  • Vermont School Districts vs. Monsanto, Bayer: After becoming the first state to require older schools to test indoor air for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), over 90 Vermont school districts are filing suit against Monsanto for cost recovery and damages.
  • Residents of Lee, MA vs. Monsanto, Bayer: In 2023, residents sued Monsanto for contamination of Housatonic River for health effects related to toxic exposure.
  • Crystal Czerno vs. General Electric Co., Bayer, Monsanto: In 2023, a Pittsfield, Massachusetts mother sued for her son’s leukemia diagnosis allegedly due to exposure at Allendale Elementary School, which is nearby a PCB disposal site.
  • Government Entities vs. Monsanto, Bayer: Over 2,000 government entities across the country filed a class action lawsuit against Bayer for PCB pollution, resulting in a $537.5 million settlement in 2022.
  • City of Los Angeles vs. Monsanto, Bayer, Solutia, Pharmacia: In 2022, the City of Los Angeles filed suit against Monsanto and two of its subsidiaries for polluting multiple waterways with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
  • Westinghouse workers vs. Monsanto, Westinghouse: Lawsuits filed against Monsanto and Westinghouse in the early 1990s claim that thousands of workers were exposed to PCBs and after years developed liver cancer, bladder cancer, and other devastating health effects. Westinghouse workers were exposed to PCB capacitors and electrical devices in their work.
  • Residents of West Anniston, AL vs. Monsanto, Solutia: Residents exposed to PCBs through manufacturing and improper disposal of toxic substances were awarded a $700 million settlement in 2003.
  • Plaintiffs vs. Monsanto: A St. Louis jury ordered Monsanto and three of its subsidiaries to pay $46 million to individuals who alleged that exposure to PCBs caused their Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The verdict occurred in 2016.

Do You Qualify for a PCB Exposure Lawsuit Claim?

Exposure to PCBs in St. Louis schools is a concerning matter, and our attorneys are investigating possible legal action to hold responsible parties accountable for putting public health at risk.

PCB exposure has been linked to numerous adverse health effects, including several cancer types and other health problems.

These health effects include, but are not limited to, developmental deficits, endocrine effects, liver damage, reproductive effects, and more.

If you or a loved one were exposed to PCBs in St. Louis area schools, you may be eligible to file a PCB Lawsuit claim.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for a PCB Lawsuit claim instantly.

Experienced lawyers will help clients through every step of the legal process, including the vital tasks of gathering evidence and assessing damages.

Gathering Evidence for PCB Lawsuit Claims

Evidence is important in any legal claim, especially one that calls into question the potential toxic effects of chemicals present in school buildings.

Your PCB Lawyers will help you gather and retain evidence, but this is a step you can begin on your own.

Potential evidence in a PCB Exposure Lawsuit claim may include:

  • Medical records
  • Medical test for related diagnoses
  • Proof you or your loved one attended a school with PCB contamination
  • Employment records
  • Personal testimony
  • Witness testimony
  • Any other proof of exposure to PCBs and subsequent health effects

Contact the PCB Lawyers at TorHoerman Law with any questions or concerns you may have regarding evidence in your PCB Lawsuit claim.

Assessing Damages for PCB Lawsuit Claims

Damages refer to the total amount of losses, economic and non-economic, incurred as a result of toxic exposure.

Your attorneys will help you determine and calculate your damages.

Potential damages in a PCB Lawsuit claim may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Permanent disability
  • Lost quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional damages
  • Other compensatory and punitive damages

The potential effects of exposure to PCBs and subsequent health problems can be far-reaching for victims.

Our attorneys will work closely with you to understand your claim and help guide you in the right direction.

Reach out to us for more information.

TorHoerman Law: Your St. Louis PCB Exposure Lawyer

PCBs are toxic substances that have been used in electrical equipment and lighting ballasts installed in St. Louis area schools.

Exposure to PCBs affect human health, and are linked to an increased risk for liver damage, liver cancer, immune system effects, endocrine effects, reproductive issues, neurological disorders, skin disorders, cancers, and more.

If you or a loved one have been exposed to PCBs in St. Louis area schools, and subsequently developed health problems, you may be eligible to file a PCB Lawsuit claim.

Contact the PCB Lawyers at TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for a PCB Lawsuit claim instantly.

The legal team at TorHoerman Law is currently investigating potential litigation on behalf of individuals exposed to PCBs.

Reach out to us with any questions you might have about the PCB Lawsuit investigation.

We’re here to help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What St. Louis Schools Have PCB Contamination?

    PCBs were potentially used in fluorescent lighting ballasts and construction materials placed in St. Louis area schools.

    St. Louis area schools that are known to have contained PCB contamination in lighting fixtures and/or construction materials may include schools built before the PCBs were banned for manufacturing in 1979. 

    Schools that have not been remodeled since the 1990s may still contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in certain building materials.

  • What are Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)?

    PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are a group of synthetic organic chemicals consisting of biphenyl rings with chlorine atoms attached.

    PCBs are typically oily liquids or solids with no smell or taste.

    They were once widely used for their electrical insulating properties but are now known for their harmful effects on health and the environment.

  • How Might PCBs Affect Human Health?

    PCBs may adversely affect human health by potentially causing a range of health issues, including cancer, reproductive problems, immune system disorders, and developmental abnormalities in children.

    Long-term exposure to these chemicals, even at low levels, has been linked to these serious health concerns.

  • What Products Contain PCBs?

    The use of PCBs in products, equipment, materials, and machinery has been significantly reduced or banned due to the environmental and health risks linked to PCB exposure.

    Products and materials that have historically contained polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) include:

    • Electrical Transformers
    • Electrical Capacitors
    • Fluorescent Light Ballasts (older fixtures)
    • Caulking and Sealants (in older buildings)
    • Hydraulic Fluids (in older machinery)
    • Paints and Coatings (some older formulations)
    • Coolants and Lubricants (in industrial equipment)
    • Carbonless Copy Paper (historically, in the manufacturing process)
    • Molded Plastic and Rubber Products (some older materials)

    Older PCB transformers, lighting fixtures, and other products may still be dangerous.

  • How are PCBs Disposed Of?

    PCBs are disposed of in designated hazardous waste sites.

    These hazardous waste sites are approved and overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

    There are 95 approved Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) commercial storage and disposal facilities listed on the EPA website.

  • Is There a PCB Lawsuit?

    Our attorneys are currently investigating the potential for a PCB Lawsuit filed against those responsible for exposing students and workers to the toxic chemical.

    Several schools in the St. Louis area contained PCBs.

    If you or a loved one were exposed to PCBs and subsequently developed health problems, you may be eligible to file a PCB Lawsuit claim.

    Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

    You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file a PCB Lawsuit claim instantly.

  • How Much Does it Cost to Hire a PCB Lawyer?

    Our legal team works on a contingency fee basis, which means you DO NOT pay for legal representation unless you are won compensation in your case.

    No win, no fee.

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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$495 Million
Baby Formula NEC Lawsuit

In this case, we obtained a verdict of $495 Million for our client’s child who was diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis after consuming baby formula manufactured by Abbott Laboratories.

$20 Million
Toxic Tort Injury

In this case, we were able to successfully recover $20 Million for our client after they suffered a Toxic Tort Injury due to chemical exposure.

$103.8 Million
COX-2 Inhibitors Injury

In this case, we were able to successfully recover $103.8 Million for our client after they suffered a COX-2 Inhibitors Injury.

$4 Million
Traumatic Brain Injury

In this case, we were able to successfully recover $4 Million for our client after they suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury while at daycare.

$2.8 Million
Defective Heart Device

In this case, we were able to successfully recover $2.8 Million for our client after they suffered an injury due to a Defective Heart Device.

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