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Pressure Cooker Injuries | Burns, Lacerations, & Other Risks

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A Guide to Pressure Cooker Injuries

On this page, we’ll discuss the types of pressure cooker injuries, the dangers of pressure cooker explosions, how our law firm can help you file a pressure cooker explosion lawsuit, and much more.

Injuries Resulting From Pressure Cooker Explosions and Defects

Pressure cooker explosions are violent and unexpected, causing injuries ranging from minor burns to severe lacerations.

In some cases, these explosions can even result in fatalities or life-altering injuries.

While modern pressure cookers are made with innovative safety features and reinforced materials to prevent explosions, they could still malfunction.

Whether the cause of the pressure cooker explosion is an inherent design flaw, an engineering defect, or a lack of warning, pressure cooker manufacturers can be liable for these catastrophic injuries.

Pressure Cooker Injuries; Pressure Cooker Lawsuit; Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit; Instant Pot Explosion Lawsuit

If you sustained injuries from a pressure cooker explosion, our team at TorHoerman Law can help you file a pressure cooker explosion lawsuit.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn about your legal options.

You can also use the chatbot on this page for a free case evaluation to see if you qualify to file a pressure cooker lawsuit instantly.

Exploding pressure cookers and instant pots can cause significant damage.

These dangerous accidents have resulted in severe injuries, including third degree burns, disfigurement, and traumatic brain injury.

Our law firm can help establish liability and pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and more.

Reach out to us today.

Table of Contents

Injuries Caused by Dangerous Pressure Cookers

Pressure cookers, while efficient in cooking, can pose significant dangers if they malfunction, leading to potentially serious injuries.

The high pressure and temperatures these appliances operate under can result in explosions if they are defective or improperly used.

Pressure cooker explosions are known to cause severe injuries, ranging from burns to impact wounds, emphasizing the need for caution and adherence to safety guidelines when using these devices.

Pressure Cooker Injuries; Pressure Cooker Lawsuit; Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit; Instant Pot Explosion Lawsuit; Injuries Caused By Dangerous Pressure Cookers

Severe Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are the most common injuries that an exploding pressure cooker causes.

Depending on the content of the cooker and the proximity of the user, burn injuries could range from minor to severe and life-threatening.

Burn injuries fall into four categories according to the depth and severity of the burn:

  • First-degree burn: This category is the mildest type of burn injury, which only affects the outer layer of skin and causes redness and swelling. A first-degree burn could heal within about a week with minimal to no scarring.
  • Second-degree burn: This category affects the second layer of skin, causing redness, swelling, and blisters. Second-degree burns could take a few weeks to heal and may result in some scarring.
  • Third-degree burn: This category covers severe burns that affect all layers of skin. A third-degree burn requires immediate medical attention and could result in permanent scarring, nerve damage, or even death.
  • Fourth-degree burn: This category is the most severe burn injury and affects the skin, muscles, tendons, and bones. Fourth-degree burns are life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.

Steam Burns

Increased pressure buildup in a pressure cooker can cause the steam to release forcefully, resulting in steam burns.

Steam burns differ from regular burn injuries and could be more severe due to their high temperature.

The face, hands, and arms are the most vulnerable to steam burns during a pressure cooker explosion.

Depending on the severity of the burn, steam burns could result in permanent scarring or even mobility loss.


While burns are the most common injuries from a pressure cooker explosion, flying debris could also cause severe lacerations.

The force of the blast, made possible by the built-up pressure inside the cooker, can send pieces of metal or other components flying at high speeds, causing deep cuts and lacerations to those in the surrounding area.

Shrapnel from an exploding pressure cooker could cause damage to the face, eyes, and other body parts.

Aside from sharp force injuries, the impact of the explosion can also cause severe blunt force trauma, resulting in broken bones or internal injuries.

Eye Injuries

The eye is the most vulnerable part of the body during a pressure cooker explosion accident.

In some cases, users lean over the counter to investigate the cause of unusual hissing or bubbling sounds, exponentially increasing their risk of eye injuries.

Flying shrapnel or hot liquid could hit the eyes during an explosion, resulting in severe and permanent damage.

Burns to the cornea, retina detachment, and even blindness are common eye injuries from dangerous pressure cookers.


As previously mentioned, fourth-degree burns reach the muscles, tendons, and bones.

The severity of these burns could result in amputations if a limb is irreparably damaged.

In some cases, users may also suffer from traumatic amputations caused by flying debris during an explosion.

Amputations are life-altering injuries that require extensive medical treatment and long-term rehabilitation.

Although this catastrophic outcome is rare, it’s crucial to know the potential dangers of using a defective pressure cooker.

What You Need To Know About Pressure Cookers

Electric pressure cookers have been increasingly popular kitchen appliances in recent years.

Modern pressure cookers are made to tenderize tough cuts of meat and cook food quickly using pressurized steam.

Pressure cookers have transformed the cooking process at home.

However, understanding how these innovative kitchen appliances work is vital to avoiding pressure cooker injuries.

Pressure Cooker Injuries; Pressure Cooker Lawsuit; Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit; Instant Pot Explosion Lawsuit; Injuries Caused By Dangerous Pressure Cookers; What You Need To Know About Pressure Cookers

The Mechanics Behind a Pressure Cooker

Pressure cooking has been used for centuries to cook specific traditional cuisines.

The principles and mechanics of modern pressure cookers don’t veer far from the conventional methods used centuries ago.

Pressure cooking happens in a sealed pot, where steam is created by boiling water inside the pot.

Due to the pressure cooker’s design, it retains more steam than a regular boiling pan.

The trapped steam increases the internal temperature and pressure, causing food to cook faster, tenderize quicker, and initiate the Maillard reaction — the process that creates the compounds that give browned foods their distinctive flavor.

Pressure cookers release excess pressure through a pressure release valve and auto-locking mechanism to prevent accidents.

These safety features make modern pressure cookers safe and easy to use.

However, poor design or manufacturing defects can result in severe accidents and injuries.

Why Do Pressure Cookers Explode?

There are various reasons why a pressure cooker explodes, including factors such as malfunctioning safety valves, improper sealing, or overfilling, which prevent the safe release of built-up steam.

Defective pressure cookers pose a significant risk, as they might fail to maintain the necessary safety standards, leading to sudden and violent eruptions of hot contents.

Pressure cooker and instant pot explosions not only pose a danger of physical injury from scalding and shrapnel but can also cause significant property damage.

Pressure Cooker Injuries; Pressure Cooker Lawsuit; Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit; Instant Pot Explosion Lawsuit; Injuries Caused By Dangerous Pressure Cookers; What You Need To Know About Pressure Cookers; Why Do Pressure Cookers Explode

Common reasons defective pressure cookers explode include:

  • Overheating
  • Excessive pressure buildup
  • Faulty gaskets
  • Improper ventilation
  • Faulty wiring
  • Digital indication malfunction


Although pressure cookers are made to withstand excessive heat, overheating is still a common cause of explosions.

Several reasons could cause a pressure cooker to overheat, such as the following:

  • The cook used insufficient water to create steam.
  • A food particle got stuck to the bottom of the pot.
  • A component caused the pressure cooker to distribute heat unevenly.
  • The inner pot was not making contact with the heat source.
  • The pressure cooker was being used incorrectly (e.g., using the incorrect lid or sealing ring).

To avoid overheating your pressure cooker, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Always use enough water and ensure no food particles are stuck to the bottom of the pot before cooking.

Excessive Pressure Buildup

Another common cause of why pressure cookers explode is excessive pressure buildup.

Without a functional pressure release valve, the trapped steam and heat inside the pot will eventually build up to dangerous levels.

If not released, this buildup can cause the pressure cooker’s lid or other components to break and explode.

Always be on the lookout for unusual hissing or bubbling sounds from your pressure cooker, as they could be a sign of excessive pressure buildup.

If you notice this issue, immediately turn off the heat source and safely release the pressure through the valve.

Defective Gaskets

A pressure cooker gasket is a rubber or silicone ring that fits around the pressure cooker lid and creates an airtight seal.

Gaskets are essential in preventing steam from escaping the pot, creating adequate pressure buildup.

Over time, the rubber gaskets can wear out, resulting in a faulty seal.

Without proper sealing, the steam will escape, reducing the pressure in the pot and prolonging the cooking time.

In worst-case scenarios, the faulty gasket can cause an explosion due to uncontrolled heat buildup.

To avoid this situation, regularly check your gasket for signs of wear and tear and replace it as needed.

Always use manufacturer-recommended replacement parts to ensure proper fit and function.

Improper Ventilation

Modern pressure cookers are designed to have sufficient ventilation holes to release excess pressure.

Food particles can block these vents, causing excessive heat and pressure buildup.

Improper ventilation could force all the steam in the cooker to be released simultaneously, resulting in an explosion.

It’s essential to regularly check your pressure cooker’s ventilation holes and clean them as needed to avoid blockages.

Other than food particles, debris and dirt could also clog the vents, so keeping them clean at all times is crucial.

Additionally, in some cases, a component could move and block the vents.

Faulty Wiring

Defective pressure cookers can also cause explosions due to faulty wiring.

Faulty wiring is common among electronics and electric appliances — and pressure cookers are not exempt.

Several reasons could cause faulty wiring, such as:

  • Manufacturing defects
  • Wear and tear from regular use
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures
  • Exposure to moisture and humidity
  • Misuse or mishandling of the appliance

To reduce the risk of explosions from faulty wiring, always check your pressure cooker’s power cord and ensure it’s not frayed, damaged, or worn.

Digital Indication Malfunction

Digital indication malfunctions in pressure cookers can be a critical factor leading to explosions.

Digital indicators are designed to inform the user about the internal pressure and temperature, ensuring that the cooker is operating within safe limits.

If there’s a malfunction in this system, it might falsely display a lower pressure or temperature, misleading users into believing that it’s safe to open the lid.

Opening the cooker while it’s still under high pressure can result in a sudden release of hot steam and contents, causing an explosion.

A faulty digital indicator not only fails to warn users of the imminent danger but also increases the likelihood of accidents due to incorrect handling based on inaccurate readings.

What are the Grounds for a Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit?

Various factors could make a pressure cooker explode.

From a defective gasket to faulty wiring and human error, determining the cause of an explosion is crucial in seeking justice for the resulting injuries and damages.

From a legal perspective, pressure cooker cases likely qualify for a product liability lawsuit.

Product liability is a legal term that holds manufacturers and other parties in the supply chain responsible for injuries or damages their products cause.

In the case of pressure cooker explosions, the manufacturer and retailer could be held liable for any resulting harm.

Pressure Cooker Injuries; Pressure Cooker Lawsuit; Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit; Instant Pot Explosion Lawsuit; Injuries Caused By Dangerous Pressure Cookers; What You Need To Know About Pressure Cookers; Why Do Pressure Cookers Explode; What Are The Grounds For A Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit

Grounds for pursuing a pressure cooker explosion lawsuit may include:

  • Manufacturing Defects
  • Product Design Flaws
  • Lack of Warnings or Proper Instructions

Manufacturing Defects

A manufacturing or production defect is often the most common cause of product recalls and liability lawsuits.

In the case of pressure cookers, a faulty gasket or other defects in the manufacturing process could cause an explosion during use.

Filing a lawsuit on this basis requires the plaintiff to prove that the pressure cooker they used had a defect that caused the explosion and the resulting injuries.

Establishing this issue often requires accounts of similar incidents and expert testimony, making it crucial to seek legal representation for a successful outcome.

Product Design Flaws

In some cases, the problem isn’t in the manufacturing process but in the product’s structure or design.

A pressure cooker with a faulty or inadequate safety mechanism could be at risk of explosion during use.

Design defects are often more complicated to prove in a product liability case, as it requires substantial evidence that the design itself caused the injuries.

However, holding manufacturers responsible for their defective products is possible with proper legal representation and expert testimony.

Lack of Warnings or Proper Instructions

False marketing and intentionally or unintentionally leaving out instructions and warnings can result in a liability lawsuit.

Manufacturers must provide sufficient warning labels and instructions to prevent harm or injury to their products’ users.

In the case of pressure cookers, failure to warn consumers about potential hazards, such as overfilling or operating without water, could result in an explosion.

If you sustained injuries due to an absent or inadequate warning label, you could pursue a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer.

Proving this case in a court of law would require evidence that the manufacturer knew or should have known about the potential dangers but failed to include sufficient warnings or instructions.

Why Should You Consider Filing a Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit?

If your pressure cooker exploded and you suffered severe injuries as a result, you may have the right to pursue legal action against the manufacturer and other parties in the supply chain.

Filing a pressure cooker explosion lawsuit could result in compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Seeking legal advice after being injured by an exploding pressure cooker is crucial, as navigating the complexities of product liability law can be challenging for individuals.

Pressure Cooker Injuries; Pressure Cooker Lawsuit; Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit; Instant Pot Explosion Lawsuit; Injuries Caused By Dangerous Pressure Cookers; What You Need To Know About Pressure Cookers; Why Do Pressure Cookers Explode; What Are The Grounds For A Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit; Why Should You Consider Filing A Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit

An experienced pressure cooker lawyer can provide invaluable guidance, ensuring that all aspects of the injury, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, are thoroughly considered and compensated.

Pressure cooker lawyers specialize in advocating for victims, building a case to hold responsible parties accountable and securing the full extent of damages incurred, offering a pathway to justice and financial recovery.

If you’ve been injured by an exploding pressure cooker, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free case consultation.

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to take legal action instantly.

Receive Compensation for Your Injuries and Recovery

The most significant benefit of filing a lawsuit against a manufacturer for a defective pressure cooker is the potential compensation you could receive for your injuries and recovery.

Severe burns, lacerations, eye injuries, and amputations related to pressure cooker explosions are severe and life-altering injuries that require extensive medical treatment.

Pursuing legal action can help cover these expenses, allowing you to focus on healing and recovering.

Hold Big Companies Liable for Their Negligence

Another benefit of filing a lawsuit is holding negligent companies and their decision-makers liable for their actions.

Companies are responsible for producing safe and reliable products — failure to do so should not go unpunished.

By filing a lawsuit, you can hold these companies accountable for their negligence and potentially prevent future accidents from happening.

The case of the Tristar Power pressure cooker, for example, is an example of holding manufacturers responsible for their defective products.

The Arizona Attorney General rejected a $2.5 million settlement from Tristar, claiming it would be unfair for three million consumers.

In this case, filing a lawsuit on behalf of those injured would aim to compensate all the affected individuals and hold the manufacturer accountable for their negligence.

Bring Justice for Your and Other Victim’s Cases

Successful lawsuits in the past are the building blocks of successful lawsuits in the future.

If your lawsuit succeeds, future cases will reference your case as a precedent and hold manufacturers liable for their defective products.

By seeking justice for your case, you can prevent similar accidents from happening to others in the future.

Multiple lawsuits of a similar nature could influence manufacturers into issuing a product recall and refining its safety standards.

TorHoerman Law: Experienced Pressure Cooker Explosion Attorneys

Pressure cooker explosions often entail severe and catastrophic injuries.

Victims are often left to shoulder some or all of the medical bills and recovery expenses related to the accident.

Sometimes, victims of pressure cooker explosions are tempted to accept a lowball settlement offer from the manufacturer or retailer, which doesn’t fully compensate them for their losses.

At TorHoerman Law, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll of a pressure cooker explosion and are dedicated to helping victims seek justice.

Our experienced team of attorneys has a successful track record in product liability cases and will fight to hold manufacturers accountable for their negligence.

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries due to a pressure cooker explosion, contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

You can also use our chatbot for an instant case evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the Common Types of Pressure Cooker Injuries?

    Injuries from exploding pressure cookers can be severe and sometimes fatal.

    The most common types of injuries from pressure cooker accidents include:

    • Burn injuries
    • Steam burns
    • Lacerations
    • Eye injuries

  • How Do Pressure Cookers Explode?

    Pressure cookers can explode due to several reasons, such as a malfunctioning pressure valve, a damaged or improperly sealed lid, or a faulty gasket.

    Overfilling the cooker beyond its recommended capacity or obstructing the steam vent can also lead to excessive pressure build-up.

    In some instances, using a cooker with an inherent design flaw or manufacturing defect can result in an unexpected explosion.

  • What Should I Do Immediately After a Pressure Cooker Explosion?

    Safety is the priority.

    If anyone is injured, seek medical attention immediately.

    Turn off the heat source and move away from the cooker to avoid further injury.

    Do not attempt to open the pressure cooker — allow it to cool down completely.

    Report the incident to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and preserve the cooker and its parts, as they can be crucial evidence if you decide to pursue legal action.

    Contact an experienced pressure cooker lawyer from TorHoerman Law for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.

  • Are There Recalls on Defective Pressure Cookers?

    Yes, there have been recalls on certain pressure cooker models due to safety concerns.

    Consumers should regularly check the CPSC website or the manufacturer’s website for any recall information.

    If you own a cooker that has been recalled, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, which may include returning the product, receiving a repair, or getting a replacement.

  • Can I File a Lawsuit if Injured by an Exploding Pressure Cooker?

    If you’re injured by an exploding pressure cooker, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit.

    This would typically fall under product liability, where you claim that the product was defective or lacked adequate warnings or instructions.

    It is advisable to consult with an attorney who specializes in product liability cases to assess the merits of your case and guide you through the legal process.

    Compensation can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages, depending on the specifics of the case.

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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Here, at TorHoerman Law, we’re committed to helping victims get the justice they deserve.

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