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[2024 Update] Camp Lejeune Microcephaly Lawsuit

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit claim.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

Key takeaways:

  • Camp Lejeune, a military base in North Carolina, is facing lawsuits due to water contamination that allegedly caused health issues, including microcephaly in newborns.

  • The water contamination, which lasted from the 1950s to the 1980s, exposed residents to harmful chemicals, leading to various health complications.

  • Victims of the contamination are seeking compensation through lawsuits, and TorHoerman Law is actively accepting Camp Lejeune microcephaly lawsuit inquiries.

Most Recent Updates:

  • A group of federal judges has appointed two settlement masters to expedite the claim resolution process.

  • The deadline for Camp Lejeune claims is August 10th, 2024.

  • Our Camp Lejeune Lawyers are still actively accepting new clients for claims through the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.

Camp Lejeune Microcephaly Lawsuit Overview

On this page, we’ll discuss an overview of the Camp Lejeune Microcephaly Lawsuit, other health conditions linked to the water contamination at Camp Lejeune, potential Camp Lejeune Lawsuit settlement amounts, and much more.

Intro to the Camp Lejeune Microcephaly Lawsuits

Between 1953 and 1987, toxic substances contaminated wells, treatment plants, and other sources of drinking water at United States Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and the nearby Marine Corps Air Station New River.

Military members, family members, and civilian workers exposed to these dangerous chemicals have been diagnosed with often fatal medical conditions, including several types of cancer and other diseases.

Exposure at Camp Lejeune has been linked to microcephaly.

Camp Lejeune Microcephaly Lawsuit

If you’re considering filing a Camp Lejeune microcephaly lawsuit, you likely have some questions.

Below, our attorneys look at the studies conducted on the water contamination at Camp Lejeune, and evidence linking these substances to microcephaly and other conditions.

You may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune Justice Act claim if you or a family member were at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 (or your mother was pregnant at Camp Lejeune between these dates), and you or a loved one have developed microcephaly.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free case evaluation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to see if you qualify to file a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit instantly.

Our Camp Lejeune Lawyers are here to help individuals file Camp Lejeune claims or seek justice through litigation.

We understand the administrative claims process and will work hard to ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Contact our Camp Lejeune attorneys for more information and with any questions you may have about the Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims process.


TorHoerman Law is no longer accepting clients for this litigation.

Table of Contents

Lawsuit Updates

July 22, 2024

TorHoerman Law Focuses Efforts on Current Clients as Camp Lejeune Claim Deadline Approaches

TorHoerman law is halting new client intake for the Camp Lejeune lawsuit to better serve our current clients. 

Although the administrative deadline for filing new claims is weeks away on August 10th, 2024, TorHoerman Law is no longer accepting new clients for the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit as of July 22nd, 2024.

We are halting the acceptance of new clients to focus our efforts on the clients we are currently serving and representing.

By doing so, we can dedicate more time and resources to each case, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible representation and support.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act represents a major hurdle overcome by veterans and their families in seeking rightful compensation for exposure to highly contaminated water.

Through this act, hundreds of thousands of people who have been affected by Camp Lejeune’s toxic water are seizing the opportunity to secure compensation for their medical bills, pain and suffering, and other intangible damages.

Recent developments in the litigation include the appointment of two settlement masters to expedite the claim resolution process.

This decision, announced on July 16th, 2024, aims to facilitate faster settlements for the numerous claims being filed.

Additionally, over 285,000 claims have been submitted, with more than $14 million in payouts already made outside of court.

Our Camp Lejeune Lawyers will continue the hard work of fighting for our clients. 

The deadline to file a Camp Lejeune claim remains August 10th, 2024. 

However, TorHoerman Law will not be taking new clients after July 22nd, 2024. 

If you or a loved one were exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, please seek legal advice promptly to ensure your rights are protected.

July 22, 2024
July 17, 2024

The Deadline for filing claims under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act is approaching.

A group of four federal judges overseeing the Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits has appointed two settlement masters to expedite the claim resolution process.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act, which went into effect in August 2022, allows individuals who lived, served, or worked at the base from the mid-1950s to late 1980s to sue for compensation due to illnesses linked to toxic water.

The appointed settlement masters will facilitate discussions between parties but lack the authority to adjudicate issues.

Currently, 1,851 lawsuits have been filed concerning Camp Lejeune’s toxic water. 

In addition to lawsuits, administrative claims have surged, with over 24,000 claims filed in the past two weeks.

More than 285,000 claims have been filed in total.

The latest joint status report indicates that 93 Camp Lejeune cases qualify for the government’s elective early settlement program.

Out of these, 37 cases have accepted settlement offers ranging from $100,000 to $450,000.

Contact the Camp Lejeune Lawyers at TorHoerman Law today for a free consultation, or use the chatbot on this page. 

The deadline to file a Camp Lejeune claim is August 10th, 2024.

By July 31st, 2024, TorHoerman will not be accepting new clients

Contact us today to see if you qualify to file a claim.

July 17, 2024
July 12, 2024

The deadline for filing claims under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act is rapidly approaching.

Veterans and their families who were exposed to toxic water at the Marine Corps base between 1953 and 1987 must submit their claims by August 10 to seek compensation for related health conditions.

Camp Lejeune, located in Jacksonville, N.C., has been linked to severe health issues due to contaminated water.

From 1953 to 1987, Marines and their families were exposed to water containing cancer-causing chemicals.

The federal government has acknowledged this exposure, and the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, passed in 2022, allows affected individuals to file claims for compensation.

Key Deadline Details:

  • Claim Requirements: Individuals must have been exposed to Camp Lejeune water for at least 30 days and diagnosed with a qualified health condition before the law was passed.
  • Deadline: Claims must be filed with the Department of the Navy by August 10.
  • Number of Claims: Over 260,000 claims have been filed, with more than $14.7 million in payouts already made outside of court.
  • Future Claims: The Act does not cover future diagnoses, making the upcoming deadline critical for those currently eligible.

Many victims and advocates are urging eligible individuals to act promptly to secure their right to compensation.

Contact the Lawyers at Torhoerman Law today for a free consultation, or use the chatbot on this page. 

The deadline to file a Camp Lejeune claim is August 10th, 2024.

Torhoerman is not accepting new clients starting the end of July, contact us today to see if you qualify to file a claim.

July 12, 2024
July 10, 2024

The federal court has moved a dispute involving the National Academy of Sciences to the Eastern District of North Carolina (E.D.N.C.), where the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit is being handled.

The Plaintiffs’ Leadership Group (PLG) issued a subpoena to the Academy for information about a 2009 report on water contamination at Camp Lejeune.

Details of the subpoena include:

  • PLG served a Rule 45 subpoena on the Academy, seeking information related to a 2009 report on water contamination at Camp Lejeune.
  • The Academy produced 200,000 pages but withheld documents related to internal deliberations.
  • The Academy filed a motion to quash or alter the subpoena, and PLG filed a motion to transfer this motion to the E.D.N.C.

The court decided the move to E.D.N.C. would keep the ongoing Camp Lejeune Water Contamination litigation organized, as the E.D.N.C. court is already familiar with the case details.

This transfer will not burden the Academy, as telecommunication methods and existing legal representation will facilitate the process.

The deadline to file a Camp Lejeune claim is August 10th, 2024. 

Our lawyers are still accepting new clients. 

Contact our Camp Lejeune Lawyers today for a free consultation, or use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for a Camp Lejeune claim instantly.

July 10, 2024

Microcephaly Linked to Contaminated Drinking Water at Camp Lejeune

Microcephaly is a medical condition characterized by an abnormally small head circumference in infants or children compared to the typical head size for their age and sex.

Recent studies — particularly studies published by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) — showed that the toxic substances at Camp Lejeune affect fetal development.

Microcephaly Linked To Contaminated Drinking Water At Camp Lejeune

Unborn babies were exposed to harmful chemicals that caused an array of issues, including neural tube defects (NTDs), oral clefts, childhood hematopoietic cancers, and microcephaly.

About Microcephaly

Microcephaly is often associated with underdeveloped brains and can lead to various developmental and intellectual disabilities.

To diagnose microcephaly, healthcare providers typically measure the circumference of the baby’s head during routine check-ups.

The condition can be detected when the head circumference falls below a certain threshold, which is determined by comparing it to standard growth charts.

Microcephaly is a rare disease, with the exception of increased rates that occurred subsequent to the 2015-2016 Zika virus outbreak.

About Microcephaly

The pathogen resulted in an uptick in microcephaly cases after many pregnant women were infected:

  • Today, only 12 per 10,000 babies have microcephaly at birth in the United States.
  • One (1) in every 30,000 to 250,000 live births has microcephaly at birth in the rest of the world.

Microcephaly and Its Causes

Most medical experts believe that microcephaly is caused by an array of factors.

Microcephaly And Its Causes

Causes of microcephaly include:

  • Genetic factors: inherited disorders and abnormalities
  • Developmental factors: diseases, infections, and lapses in prenatal care
  • Environmental factors: exposure to toxic substances, such as the water at Camp Lejeune

Genetic Factors

Some cases of microcephaly are caused by genetic mutations or abnormalities.

These can be inherited from one or both parents or occur spontaneously during development.

Certain genetic syndromes — such as Down syndrome or Rett syndrome — can also be associated with microcephaly.

Developmental Factors

Microcephaly can result from disruptions in the early stages of fetal brain development.

Factors such as maternal malnutrition, exposure to infections, or inadequate prenatal care can affect the development of the fetal brain, leading to microcephaly.

Environmental Factors

Exposure to environmental toxins or teratogens during pregnancy can increase the risk of microcephaly.

These toxins may include alcohol, certain drugs, and chemicals.

For example, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is known to cause microcephaly in babies born to mothers who consume alcohol during pregnancy.

The contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune belongs under the environmental factors umbrella.

The North Carolina Marine Corps base was the site of significant environmental contamination involving several hazardous chemicals, including trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE), which are known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

These toxins not only affected Camp Lejeune veterans and their family members, but the unborn children may have developed health issues as well.

The link between toxic water at Camp Lejeune and microcephaly and other birth defects is visible in the following publications:

Microcephaly Complications

Babies born with microcephaly may face various complications and challenges, depending on the severity of their condition.

Microcephaly Complications

Challenges for children diagnosed with microcephaly may include:

  • Developmental Delays: Microcephaly is often associated with developmental delays, including delays in motor skills, speech and language development, and cognitive abilities.
  • Intellectual Disabilities: Many children with microcephaly experience intellectual disabilities that can range from mild to severe.
  • Seizures: Some individuals with microcephaly may develop epilepsy and experience recurrent seizures.
  • Motor Impairments: Physical coordination and motor skills can be affected, leading to difficulties with activities such as walking and fine motor tasks.
  • Shortened Lifespan: In severe cases where microcephaly is associated with severe brain abnormalities, it can lead to a significantly shortened lifespan.

What Other Health Conditions Has Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune Been Linked To?

The consumption of Camp Lejeune contaminated water has been linked to a number of cancer and non-cancer diagnoses.

What Other Health Conditions Has Water Contamination At Camp Lejeune Been Linked To

Health conditions linked to Camp Lejeune water contamination include, but are not limited to:

Service members, their families, civilian workers, and countless others were diagnosed with deadly health conditions, and for years they could not secure the benefits they desperately needed.

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit Overview

Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune on the coast of North Carolina was the site of rampant water contamination for over 30 years.

Between 1953 and 1987, military service members, their family members, civilian workers, and others who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune were exposed to a number of toxic substances in the water at Camp Lejeune.

Camp Lejeune residents have suffered from debilitating health conditions for decades, and many people have died as a result of medical conditions subsequent to exposure.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act, signed into law in August 2022, provides a new pathway to justice for people exposed to toxic water at Camp Lejeune.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act allows those exposed for 30 days or more between 1953 and 1987 to file administrative compensation claims.

If a qualifying military service member, family member, or other does not have their administrative claim adjudicated within 6 months of submission, they may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit in the US District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina.

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit Overview

Your Camp Lejeune Lawyers will help you identify the best course of action regarding the administrative claims process and the Camp Lejeune litigation.

Filing Camp Lejeune administrative claims serves several purposes:

  • Compensation for Health Effects: One of the primary reasons for filing Camp Lejeune settlements is to seek reparation for the health effects and medical expenses incurred as a result of exposure to contaminated water.
  • Accountability and Transparency: Filing claims can also be a way to hold responsible parties accountable for the contamination. It can help shed light on the extent of the contamination and the actions (or inaction) taken by the U.S. government or other parties involved.
  • Advocating for Affected Communities: The legal actions associated with Camp Lejeune can also serve as a means of advocating for the rights and well-being of the affected communities, including active duty members, National Guard members, veterans, and their families.

If you or a loved one lived or worked at Camp Lejeune for 30 days or more between 1953 and 1987, you may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune Justice Act claim.

Contact TorHoerman Law’s Camp Lejeune Lawyers for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the Camp Lejeune Lawsuit.

What Caused Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune?

The water contamination at Camp Lejeune was primarily caused by the improper handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals on the base.

The contamination was linked to activities that occurred over several decades, including industrial and military operations.

What Caused Water Contamination At Camp Lejeune

Underground fuel storage tanks also deteriorated over time, leading to leaks that allowed contaminants to enter the groundwater.

There is also the matter of improper disposal of cleaning solutions from an off-base dry cleaner.

The chemicals from these strong solvents also seeped into the groundwater and wells.

What Toxic Substances Were Found in the Water Supply at Camp Lejeune?

Several toxic substances were found in the water at Camp Lejeune.

What Toxic Substances Were Found In The Water Supply At Camp Lejeune

These volatile organic compounds (VOCs) include:

  • TCE and PCE: These compounds — used in solvents and degreasers — are known to be carcinogenic and have been linked to various adverse health effects, including neurological and developmental issues, as well as certain cancers.
  • Benzene: Benzene is a highly toxic chemical that can be found in industrial processes and is also a component of gasoline. Prolonged exposure to benzene has been linked to leukemia and other blood disorders.
  • Other Contaminants: In addition to the above, other contaminants such as VOCs and heavy metals were also detected in the water at Camp Lejeune, further compounding the health risks associated with the contamination.

What Is the Camp Lejeune Justice Act?

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 — signed into law by President Biden in August of that year — is a comprehensive piece of legislation aimed at addressing the concerns of individuals impacted by contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune.

This law was encompassed by the Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act.

Under the provisions of this law, military personnel and their family members affected by the water contamination can gain access to various health care benefits, including VA health care benefits.

Additionally, they may be eligible for compensation for injuries and damages they have sustained.

To access these, Camp Lejeune victims must file compensation claims and prove that their injuries are directly linked to the contaminated drinking water.


The Camp Lejeune Justice Act is the first piece of legislation to comprehensively address Camp Lejeune Water Contamination and its subsequent health effects.

Previous legislations, such as the Camp Lejeune Families Act, attempted to exact legislative change for Camp Lejeune victims, but failed to deliver a comprehensive change to laws and regulations that allow victims to seek justice and compensation.

Do You Qualify To File a Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim for Microcephaly?

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act requires plaintiffs to have lived or worked for at least 30 days at the North Carolina Marine Corps Base.

This requirement applies to unborn and newborn children of families.

If you or a loved one lived or worked at Camp Lejeune for 30 days or more between 1953 and 1987, you may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit claim.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the Camp Lejeune Lawsuit instantly.

Do You Qualify To File A Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim For Lupus

Qualified law firms can help Camp Lejeune victims seek justice and compensation.

Contact our team of experienced Camp Lejeune Lawyers for insight and advice on your situation.

Experienced Camp Lejeune attorneys can help victims complete the steps necessary to filing claims and getting compensated, such as gathering evidence and assessing damages.

Gathering Evidence for Camp Lejeune Claims

To pursue Camp Lejeune lawsuits successfully, individuals typically need to provide specific types of evidence to establish a clear link between their health conditions and their exposure to toxic substances in the water at Camp Lejeune.

Gathering Evidence For Camp Lejeune Claims

Evidence for Camp Lejeune Lawsuit claims may include:

  • Documents proving residence at Camp Lejeune
  • Military service records indicating dates and locations served
  • Medical records and diagnoses
  • Medical bills
  • Travel records
  • Health care information
  • Records on disability benefits or VA compensation benefits

Assessing Damages for Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit Claims

Compensation may be sought for various types of damages and losses that individuals and their families have experienced as a result of exposure to toxic substances in the water at Camp Lejeune.

Assessing Damages For Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit Claims

Damages in a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim may include:

  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Disability benefits
  • Loss of companionship, consortium, enjoyment of life, and earning capacity
  • Permanent disability compensation

TorHoerman Law: Your Camp Lejeune Lawyers

TorHoerman Law has been at the forefront of Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits.

Over the years, we’ve handled similar toxic tort cases and have helped many clients seek justice.

We can help you pursue monetary compensation for your injuries in the administrative claims process, and represent you during Camp Lejeune litigation proceedings if necessary.

If you or a loved one were exposed to contaminated water supplies at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, you may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit claim.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the Camp Lejeune Lawsuit instantly.

Trust us to fight for your rights and bring you the justice you deserve.

Reach out to our law firm for more information and with any questions you may have about the Camp Lejeune Lawsuit.

We’re here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is Microcephaly?

    Microcephaly is a condition where infants have abnormally small head circumference, indicating underdeveloped brain growth that can lead to various developmental and intellectual disabilities.

  • What are the Average Camp Lejeune Settlement Amounts?

    The settlement amount for each individual case will differ based upon the injuries suffered, conditions diagnosed, time spent at the base, and more.

    Lawsuit settlements would also contain damages incurred, which can include medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, emotional damages, and more.

    Depending on injuries suffered, conditions diagnosed, and evidence available, individual settlement amounts for exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune could be significant.

    Camp Lejeune water contamination settlement amounts could be between $10,000 and $500,000 depending on the strength of your case.

    These estimates for Camp Lejeune settlement amounts are only estimations based on the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) budget for Camp Lejeune claims.

    These estimates are not a guarantee by any means of certain compensation for Camp Lejeune settlements.

    Visit this page for more updates on settlement amounts for Camp Lejeune lawsuits as the information becomes more widely available.

    If interested, you can also visit the following page which details how Camp Lejeune settlement amounts are calculated.

  • Do I Qualify to File a Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim?

    If you or a loved one were exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, you may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune claim.

    Contact qualified law firms for a free consultation to find out if you qualify to file a Camp Lejeune claim.

    TorHoerman Law offers free, no-obligation case consultations for Camp Lejeune victims.

    You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the Camp Lejeune Lawsuit.

  • How Can I Prove That My Health Issues Are Linked to Camp Lejeune Water Contamination?

    Establishing a connection between your health issues and exposure to toxic substances typically requires medical records, expert opinions, exposure history, and other evidence.

    Experienced Camp Lejeune lawyers can help you gather evidence relevant to your case and help you seek justice for your related health conditions.

  • What Caused Camp Lejeune Water Contamination?

    Water contamination at Camp Lejeune was caused by spills or leaks from underground storage tanks, waste disposal sites, businesses, and more.

    Because of this, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were found in the water serving the base housing and a variety of other buildings.

    These VOCs included:

    • Dry cleaning solvents
    • Degreasers
    • And almost seventy (70) other hazardous chemicals

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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$20 Million
Toxic Tort Injury

In this case, we were able to successfully recover $20 Million for our client after they suffered a Toxic Tort Injury due to chemical exposure.

$103.8 Million
COX-2 Inhibitors Injury

In this case, we were able to successfully recover $103.8 Million for our client after they suffered a COX-2 Inhibitors Injury.

$4 Million
Traumatic Brain Injury

In this case, we were able to successfully recover $4 Million for our client after they suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury while at daycare.

$2.8 Million
Defective Heart Device

In this case, we were able to successfully recover $2.8 Million for our client after they suffered an injury due to a Defective Heart Device.

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Here, at TorHoerman Law, we’re committed to helping victims get the justice they deserve.

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